‘Dermarvon Farm’

Gabrielle Bourne’s new series Dermarvon Farm explores the land and the surroundings of her family’s farm. The project unpacks the relationship between the land, objects and a father and daughter’s relationship through the family’s association to farming. The work is significant to Bourne’s family and with smallholding farms not something that you hear about often, it is aimed at artists that are interested in Documentary photography that perhaps don’t have any in-depth knowledge about smallholding farms.

The body of work explores the farm as it is in the present day by using photographic images Bourne has recently taken on medium format film, allowing her to consider her imagery making methods. Looking to the past and the present history of the farm, Bourne’s intention is to make a record, her interest is in documenting a smallholding farm for prosperity, for future generations, a farm that remains quiet for now.